
Keeping You Informed

Cuomo’s Pension Smoothing Plan A Poor Substitute For Real Mandate Relief

Gov. Cuomo has touted his 2013-14 Executive Budget as sensitive to the needs of Upstate New York; but as I have been reviewing his budget, I’ve found a glaring hole in his plan – meaningful unfunded mandate relief. Unfunded mandates are one of the...

Why The Rushed NY SAFE Act Will Fail To Keep New Yorkers Safe

During my tenure in the Assembly, we have worked to end the dysfunction that has plagued Albany for decades. We accomplished some great things like the lowest income tax rate for middle-income families in nearly 60 years, among other things. Cooperation...

Where Was The Team Effort At The Beginning Of The 2013 Legislative Session?

After a hurried start to the 2013 Legislative Session, one thing has become quite clear to me. This year will not be like 2011 or 2012. Those years were marked by consistent cooperation between the Legislature and the governor, who worked together as...

There Is More That Unites Us Than Divides Us

Politics can sometimes be polarizing, leaving folks feeling that there is more that divides us than unites us as New Yorkers and Americans. Certainly we face great challenges nationwide and here at home, but by putting aside the bickering we can effectively...

People ask Ken Blankenbush, “How do we fix our economy?”

In just 2 years, Albany has changed for the better

Investing In Renewal: The North Country Revitalized

For Me, It’s Always Been About Helping Working Families

If there’s one thing of which I am certain, it’s that you can never go at it alone during tough times. The last several years have been tough for many of us, and since seeking office in the Assembly, it has always been my desire to work with each...

Support the Economic Engine of Our Community.

Farmers’ Markets Connecting Communities To Fresh Food

We’re quite fortunate here in Northern New York. We’re surrounded by food-producing countryside – and even better – we have many vibrant farmers’ markets right here in our own communities. It’s in these direct-to-consumer markets that we see...

Cultivating Leadership And A Healthy Economy Through Agriculture

New York State is beginning to emerge from the economic downturn, and with this comes new opportunities to start fresh and build ourselves a stronger and more resilient economy. Building this new economy and making the Empire State once again a worldwide...

Hold On Folks, We’re Not Quite Done!

Gov. Andrew Cuomo claims that 90 percent of his agenda is complete and that the remainder of the legislative session will be ‘relatively quiet.’ Hold on a minute. Yes, Gov. Cuomo has accomplished a lot with the help of the legislature, and...

Tired of Albany Passing the Buck?

There’s A Viable Future In New York’s Maple Industry

New York is home to a $4 billion agriculture industry, and we’re located at the heart of one of the most productive regions in the state. While agriculture remains an important way of life here in the North Country, the number of family farms is on...

Our Kids Deserve the Best

Connect Families To Fresh Food

The North Country is home to one of the most vibrant agricultural communities in New York State. Our lives are intimately connected to our lands, farms and open fields. We’re fortunate to have immediate access to fresh and delicious farm goods. Our...

Where we’re from, the simplest fix is often the best

Loosen Up The Reins Of Government

It’s been said that “the road to ‘you know where’ is paved with good intentions,” and is this ever true with New York State’s many unfunded and costly mandates placed on local governments and school districts. New Yorkers have been saddled...

You’re Invited to the Third Annual Sportsmen & Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day

Blankenbush: North Country Students Deserve Fair Share of Aid

I am proud of the students and educators of our region. Together, they work diligently to bring learning to life in a way that is distinctly relevant to our heritage here in the North Country. I am concerned, however, that a continued unfair practice...