
Keeping You Informed

Legislative Session Nears End; Positive Steps Taken to Reform Albany

As I write to you, my first legislative session as your assemblyman will be coming to a close in a few days, and I am pleased to see the positive steps Albany is taking to reform the way the Legislature does business. From reducing the state’s bloated...

June is Dairy Month: Raise a Glass of Milk to Our Hardworking Dairy Farm Families

Dairy Month, an annual celebration of dairy foods, farmers, and the industry, began in 1937 as a way to help distribute extra milk when cows started pasturing in the summer months. Today, Dairy Month continues, with communities, companies and people from...

Return of the “Success Tax” Could Endanger New York’s Economic Recovery

Despite all the talk of newfound fiscal responsibility in state government, the reality is that for certain liberal legislators and special interest groups, fiscal responsibility means tax hikes. Judging by their recent actions, these folks will not stop...

Assemblyman Blankenbush Encourages You to Buy Local

Here, in Northern New York, we are lucky to have an abundance of fresh and local products, especially during the spring, summer and fall months. From strawberries and sweet corn, to whole wheat flour and maple syrup, the opportunities to buy local products...

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month

Recently, in the news, we’ve seen and heard the disturbing incidents of abuse inflicted on children. While these stories are heartbreaking, they also serve to remind us what we all can do to ensure these tragedies do not happen again. April is...

Volunteer Firefighters and First Responders Save Lives and Save Taxpayers’ Money

We owe volunteer emergency service providers a great debt of gratitude for all of the hard work that they do. Almost 85 percent of all firefighters in New York participate on a volunteer basis. There also are over 57,000 certified emergency medical...

You are invited to meet your Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush - Russell Library - Saturday, April 30, 2011

Recharge NY: Powering Our Economy Forward

This year’s state budget process was especially challenging. Legislators and the governor had difficult decisions to make. Cuts had to be made. But, at the same time, we needed to look at what programs were worth investing in to help strengthen our...

Assemblyman Blankenbush Sponsoring Legislation to Benefit ATV Riders, Local Economy

Now that the snow has finally begun to melt, many of our recreational trails throughout the North Country will no longer be humming with the sounds of snowmobiles, but ATVs instead. ATVs are used by 1.9 million New Yorkers each year and are economically...

March Is a Good Time to Recognize and Celebrate Agriculture

With spring just around the corner, maple syrup production is in full swing and farmers are busy getting prepared for planting. So it’s fitting that in March we celebrate many agriculture awareness days. From New York State Maple Weekends to Ag Literacy...

Anti-gun Legislation Infringes on 2nd Amendment Rights

Here in Northern New York, hunting is a way of life. North Country residents are law-abiding citizens who jump through the state’s hoops to lawfully own a gun, either for personal protection or for sporting. However, each year, members of the Assembly’s...

Governor’s Economic Development Initiatives Are Promising; Ag Should Not be Overlooked

New York State is often referred to as one of the most unfriendly states in the country to do business. From high taxes to burdensome regulations to bureaucratic mazes, small businesses and even large corporations continue to find it difficult to succeed...

Blankenbush Optimistic About “Redesign” to Save Money and Improve Efficiency

With the release of Governor Cuomo’s executive budget last week, New Yorkers were presented with both good and bad news. The bad news: state spending must change in order to close the current $10 billion deficit. The good news: the governor and I agree...

Governor’s Proposed Budget Shows Fiscal Restraint; Disappointed with Ag & Tug Hill Commission

Governor Cuomo unveiled his 2011-12 Executive Budget earlier this week, and while there is no question that this year’s budget will be radically different than its predecessors, the Executive Budget is a starting point, not the finish line. The...