Press Releases

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Passes Legislation to Support Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-Utica/Rome) helped passed legislation to prevent unemployment charges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic from being used to calculate an employer’s experience rating (A.2001-A). These ratings are used to assess unemployment...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Looks to New Administration for Growth, Change

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-Utica/Rome) recently expressed her hope in and support of President Joe Biden’s incoming administration. Biden, who was sworn in as President at noon, has pledged to increase the rate at which COVID-19 vaccines...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Addresses Governor’s State of State Proposals

“So far, we’ve heard the governor announce numerous programs during his different installments of his State of the State Address. Let me be clear: I’ll support any program that is beneficial to the health, welfare and financial stability of my constituents....

Assemblymember Buttenschon Calls on the US Dept. of Health to Release More Vaccines

New York State Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D,I-Utica/Rome) and her colleagues, Assembly Health Committee Chair Richard Gottfried, Assembly Mental Health Committee Chair Aileen Gunther, and Assembly Governmental Operations Chair Kenneth Zebrowski,...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Addresses Governor’s State of State Proposals

New York State Assemblymember Marianne Buttenschon (D, I-Utica/Rome), released the following statement in response to Gov. Cuomo’s State of the State address in Albany: “As we open the 2021 legislative session with the annual State of the State address,...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Appointed to Education Committee

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-Utica/Rome) announced that she was appointed to the NYS Assembly Committee on Education. “This past year challenged our education system in more ways than one and left many of our local schools with a financial...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Calls on the State to Use CARES Act Funding to Support Health Care Workers

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D, I-Utica/Rome) has sent a letter to the governor requesting that the state’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding be used to support health care staffing. Buttenschon was joined by a...

Assemblymember Buttenschon: We Must Do More to Support New York Farmers

Assemblymember Marianne Buttenschon (D,I-Rome/Utica) attended the Assembly’s virtual joint public hearing on Wednesday, Dec. 2, to discuss the state budget’s impact on New York’s agricultural industry through the state Department of Agriculture...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon’s Bill to Establish Farming Apprenticeship Programs in Schools Signed into Law

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D, I-Utica/Rome) announced that a bill she authored allowing Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) to establish young farmer apprenticeship programs has been signed into law (Ch.298 of 2020). “It’s...

Assemblymember Buttenschon: Schools Shouldn’t Bear the Brunt of Pandemic Transportation Costs

Assemblymember Marianne Buttenschon (D,I-Utica/Rome) announced that she has written a letter urging the Governor to allow school districts to receive transportation aid for expenses incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. “School districts are already...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Attends Assembly Hearing on COVID-19 Protocol for Libraries

November 20, 2020-Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D,I-Utica/Rome) recently attended a virtual Assembly hearing that discussed the gradual reopening of libraries statewide and maintenance of critical services. At the declaration of COVID-19 state of...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon and Senator Griffo: Social Media Users Who Disseminate Images of Crime Victims Must Face Consequences

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-Utica/Rome) and Sen. Joseph Griffo (R,I,C-Rome) have introduced legislation to create criminal and civil penalties for unlawfully disseminating a personal image of the victim(s) of a crime with the intent to glorify...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Announces In-House Salon Service for Nursing Homes

Assemblywoman Buttenschon (D, I-Utica/Rome) announced that Adult Care Facilities (ACFs) and Nursing Homes (NH) may resume in-house salon services beginning Friday, November 6, 2020. After a long battle with the New York State Department of Health regarding...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Advocates for New York Farmers at Wage Board Meeting

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-Utica/Rome) attended the Farm Laborers Wage Board hearing earlier today to discuss overtime compensation for farmers across New York State. “While we must ensure all workers are paid a fair wage, the Farm Laborers...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Attends Press Conferences to Discuss Issues Facing the Mohawk Valley

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-Utica/Rome) attended three press conferences this week to help ensure the Mohawk Valley receives the funding it needs to support local schools, nonprofits and childcare programs. “During these difficult times,...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Presents Resolution Memorializing August as Karen Heritage Month

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-Utica/Rome) presented leaders of Utica’s Karen community with a resolution that she passed designating August as Karen Heritage Month in New York State. “The Karen community has made immeasurable contributions...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Attends Public Hearing on COVID-19’s Impact on the Workforce

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-Utica/Rome) announced that she joined the State Legislature’s joint public hearing held earlier today to discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the workforce and the effectiveness of the state’s response. “From...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Attends Public Hearing on COVID-19’s Impact on Hospitals and Effectiveness of State’s Response

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-Utica/Rome) announced that she spoke with community stakeholders and public officials at the state Legislature’s joint public hearing – held earlier today – on the impacts of COVID-19 on New York hospitals...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon Attends Public Hearing on COVID-19 Response at Upstate Nursing Homes

Assemblywoman Buttenschon has been a leading voice in calling for the state to protect New York’s vulnerable residents in nursing homes, which had some of the earliest and deadliest outbreaks of COVID-19. Earlier this year, she called on the governor...

Assemblywoman Buttenschon to Host Frankfort Blood Drive

Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-Utica/Rome) has partnered with the American Red Cross and the Town of Frankfort to host a blood drive to boost local hospitals’ blood and platelet supply as they continue to face the ongoing pandemic. “While...