Assemblywoman Buttenschon Announces Funding for Copper City Community Connection (Ava Dorfman Center)

Rome NY Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon (D-C Utica/Rome) has announced she secured $125,000 in funding for the Ava Dorfman Adult Day Care Center. This funding will go toward supporting the funding of a much-needed new roof. The Center provides various health and recreation programs, guest speakers and special interest courses.

“Ava Dorfman was a shining star in our community for many decades and her legacy endures through the countless lives she touched,” said Assemblywoman Buttenschon. “In 1957, when Ava had the foresight to bring together interested people to focus on the needs of the elderly in her community, no one would have guessed it would have led to where we are today. The work that is done at the Ava Dorfman Adult Day Care Center gives support and attention to our senior population and truly enriches the lives of many.” Buttenschon said.

Prior to founding the Center, Ava Dorfman served as president of a 10-person council known as the Senior Citizens Association of Greater Rome. The board is now known as the Senior Citizens Council of Rome NY Inc. and is home to over 100 members focused on verifying the need for community services for seniors.

“Copper City Community Connection is extremely pleased and grateful for the funding Assemblywomen Buttenschon has secured for our facility roof. The aging roof has needed repair for a while each rain shower or spring thaw has brought major water damage to our building. The new roof would not be possible without this funding we cannot thank the Assemblywomen enough. The community center provides a vital role in the lives of our aging citizens by keeping seniors engaged and active in life and the community it’s a place where life is better with friends.” Susan Streeter, Executive Director

This center is welcoming to all and grants seniors with physical impairments or who need structured care to experience the benefits of community. Buttenschon added.

Assemblymember Buttenschon was joined today by the Executive Director Streeter, board members, community members, and Mayor Jackie Izzo.