Smullen Calls for Immediate Action and Increased Traffic Safety on New York Route 7 in Niskayuna
Assemblyman Robert Smullen (R,C-Mohawk Valley and the Adirondacks) is calling for immediate action in response to the second pedestrian death that has occurred in just over a year on New York Route 7 in Niskayuna. The recent fatal crash involving a pedestrian occurred on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2025, near the Bellevue Woman’s Center, just hours after Smullen held a press conference in Albany to introduce his Assembly Bill A.3938. This piece of legislation, also known as the “Alexander John Smullen Traffic Safety Memorial Law,” was created in honor of his late son AJ, whose life was also taken too soon in a deadly vehicle collision along the same notorious stretch of road just over a year ago on Feb. 22, 2024.
Smullen will be holding another event on Monday, March 3, 2025, outside the Bellevue Woman’s Center to unveil a highway sign memorializing his son and reminding drivers statewide to slow down and help save lives.
“After seeing an accident like this happen again on Route 7, I’m at a loss for words,” said Smullen. “How many more lives must be taken on Route 7 before action is taken? I am calling on the New York State Department of Transportation Commissioner to address the public’s concerns and take action immediately to keep New York pedestrians and drivers safe.
“In honor of my son and all the other victims of fatal vehicle collisions in our state over the years, I will not rest until the dangerous conditions on these roadways are taken seriously and are corrected. I have heard there may be a petition started soon calling for a traffic light to be installed in this area on Route 7—I will certainly take that petition and make sure it gets to the highest levels of the state government.”