Addressing New York’s “Brain Drain”
Amid recent claims that New York’s young, educated population has migrated out of state, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Buffalo Branch published a report confirming that areas of our state, outside of New York City, have experienced a net outflow of college-educated people.
Unfortunately, net loss of employees in upstate New York, at 4.1 percent, is the second worst in the nation. Right here in Western New York, our manufacturers are being hit the hardest in terms of loss of employees. We must do more to prevent the “hemorrhaging” of our educated and trained employees. We also must do more to attract businesses to our state and to make our young workforce aware of the opportunities that are already available.
That is why I am proud to support Assembly minority initiatives aimed at promoting job growth and retention by partnering businesses with education institutions. Our initiatives include establishing new and rational tuition policies for SUNY schools and implementing loan forgiveness programs for high-tech graduates of New York college and universities who then become employed by companies in our state.
We are also working to implement programs in elementary and high schools across the state that promote math and science studies in order to prepare our children for the growing field of high-tech industry.
But we need help from companies and employers too. That’s why we’re working to provide business owners with tax credits and educational grants so employees can further their educations and obtain the training needed to compete in today’s economy. We are also working to help lower taxes and cut red tape for businesses to increase job retention, especially for our manufacturers.
Another part of our plan includes partnering with community colleges and BOCES to establish a High-Tech Manufacturing Job Training Program to help prepare our workforce for careers in the innovative technology field.
I believe all New Yorkers have a great sense of pride that comes from knowing what a wonderful place our state is to live in. Let’s help ensure our children will stay here after graduation by creating opportunities for jobs, creating more affordable housing opportunities and giving our workforce the skills they need to compete in a global marketplace.