Hawley And Minority Assembly Colleagues Demand Legalization of Marijuana Be Kept Out of Budget Process

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) and his colleagues in the Assembly Minority have written a letter to Gov. Cuomo, Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie and New York State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins demanding they do not use the budget process to legalize marijuana. Hawley believes substantial matters of public policy such as the legalization of marijuana should not be advanced through the budgetary process and should instead be debated and discussed as any other legislation would be.

“This policy matter is deserving of meaningful scrutiny and debate, something we haven't seen much of since the Governor was granted his prolonged and egregious executive powers,” said Hawley. "Legalizing marijuana is a decision for our state that would come with consequences worth discussing, and I am fearful as usual the Governor will care more about acting quickly to please activists and special interests than examining legalization in earnest and what it would really mean for New York."

The letter may be viewed here.