Hawley Announces Completion of Erie Canal Bridge Rehabilitation Project in Orleans County

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is announcing today the completion of a $10.7 million Erie Canal Bridge Rehabilitation Project in Orleans County, in which seven 100-year-old truss bridges were repaired to enhance safety and ease of travel. The project will allow the safe passage of trucks, farm equipment and commercial and emergency vehicles to pass safely due to the replacement of the steel flooring on the bridges, which raises their legal weight limit.

“I want to thank everybody in the community and at the Department of Transportation who had a part in planning and executing these rehabilitation projects over these last two years,” said Hawley. “These improvements will allow farmers, small businesses, families and emergency services to have improved access to places they need to go throughout the county, and I am certain the work done on these bridges will help save lives and make Orleans County a better place to live and work for everyone.”