Hawley Slams ‘Emergency Powers Bill’ For Empowering Gov And Not Meaningfully Rescinding Powers

“What passed today in the Assembly was no rescinding of power, no restoration of constitutional government and certainly nothing of consequence for our governor who has hurt so many New Yorkers. This bill is characteristic of the worst elements of Albany politics; the backroom deal making, the dishonesty and the inability to follow through on a straightforward promise. What people expected of us today was simple — a clean ending of the governor’s emergency powers. What they got was a sham of a deal the governor himself had a say in that does nothing to rein-in his power in a meaningful way, and instead preserves his emergency powers indefinitely. New Yorkers need a leader now more than ever that can serve them in an honest and dedicated manner, but what happened today was tantamount to extending the contract of an inept employee who has failed us all.”