Press Releases

Seawright Insurance Bill Passes Both Houses

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Albany, New York – On Tuesday, March 1st, the Assembly passed a bill sponsored by Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright that further assists small businesses and school districts to ease the costs of a changing insurance market for those who currently use...

Changes in Maintenance Law from a New Assembly Member Featured in New York Law Journal (see page 20 Education Update)

Public Purpose Money Freed in Cliff-Hanger

Cuomo Signs Two Seawright Bills

Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright: “Let’s Work Together To Make Progress in 2016”

“As a new legislative session begins, we have the opportunity to tackle the challenges facing our state and continue to build a brighter future. Our top priority must always be strengthening the people and communities that make New York great. “Last...

Two Seawright Insurance Bills Signed Into Law

New York, NY – On Tuesday, December 29, 2015 Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law two bills sponsored by freshman Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright that work together to ease the costs of a changing insurance market on small businesses and school...

Hold Agencies Handling After-Hours Construction Permits Accountable: Pols

Transit Wireless, City and State Officials Launch Cellular & Free Wi-Fi Service at 86th Street Subway Station

Cuomo Signs Bill to Clarify Calculation of Maintenance

Governor Cuomo Signs Second Seawright Bill into Law

New York, N.Y. – On Monday, October 26th Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law a bill sponsored by freshman Assembly Member Rebecca A. Seawright that will reduce the amount of time that divorced parents spend in court. The legislation requires that...

Assembly Member Seawright’s First Bill Gains Governor’s Signature

New York, New York – Earlier today, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a three-year extension of New York State’s subsidy for the cost of financing municipal projects pursuant to the federal Clean Water State Revolving Fund. The law, which will...

New York City Awards $1.6 Billion In Contracts To "Minority" And Women-owned Businesses-- Mayor De Blasio Says

Education Update

Locally, ERA Gets Renewed Push

Anonymous Donor Gives $150K To Complete FDR Hope Memorial

Public Purpose Grants Saved

Letter: Don’t Cut the M15 Bus

Seawright Moves to Stop M.T.S.

Good News on Public Purpose Grants; Electeds Pledge Support for Island

Anonymous Donor Gives $150K To Complete FDR Hope Memorial