Welcome to my Veterans' Affairs page. I stand committed to informing our Veterans of the opportunities and services that are available to them. Here you will find several links that will lead you to websites that have the information you need.
The options of designating military service on their driver's license and taking advantage of the Onondaga County Return the FAVOR Veterans Discount Card Program are available to our veterans so they can receive the benefits they deserve.
Veterans currently have to carry around their DD-214 forms to prove they have served in the military. Under the new legislation, Veterans can apply for a special designation on their driver's license through the state DMV. The special licenses are intended to eliminate the need for veterans to carry separate documentation proving their military service in order to take advantage of discounts or other programs available to vets.
The Onondaga County Veterans Services in partnership with local businesses will provide Veterans discounts on products and services. There is no cost to participate in the program for either businesses or Veterans. Nearly 90 county businesses and merchants have already joined the program.
In order to receive your Veteran discount, you will need a Onondaga County Veteran FAVORCard
A list of participating merchants and businesses and their special offer or discount for card holders can be found here.
Discounts and participation are at the discretion of local businesses.
Please call the Onondaga County Veterans Services at 315-435-3217 if you have any questions.
The Veterans Job Bank is a resource that allows veterans to access jobs available specifically for them.
- For more information of the Veterans Job Bank please visit: Veterans Employment Center