Statement from Assemblymember Amy Paulin on the Medical Society of the State of New York’s Support for Passage of the Medical Aid in Dying Act

As chair of the Assembly Committee on Health, passing the Medical Aid in Dying Act – which I’ve sponsored and fought for over the last nine years – is my top legislative priority this year. That’s why I’m excited by the resolution passed today by the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY) endorsing the legislation.

New York doctors overwhelming support medical aid in dying, as do the vast majority of New Yorkers, as well as the New York State Academy of Family Physicians. I’m delighted that the MSSNY has now added their support!

This is the year to pass this important legislation. Although very few New Yorkers will take advantage of the legislation, it will provide immeasurable relief to many to know that they have the option. New Yorkers on their deathbeds should have the legal right to end their suffering and take medication to provide a peaceful death. Passing this bill will be an act of love by the Legislature. We should do it now.