Sponsored Legislation
Prime-Sponsored Legislation:
A00031 Relates to creating the health emergency response data system A00043 Authorizes a school district in the village of Tuckahoe, by resolution, to limit transportation of students to 7 miles A00044 Requires disclosure of information concerning non-invasive prenatal screening for chromosomal abnormalities A00053 Allows evidence of a defendant's prior crimes or acts to be admissible in a criminal case for certain purposes A00067 Relates to federal qualified health center rate adequacy A00098 Relates to local block anesthesia certificate A00136 Relates to the medical aid in dying act A00173 Relates to the applicability of open meetings and freedom of information laws to certain not-for-profit corporations A00198 Relates to establishing a voluntary waiver of the right to purchase firearms, rifles or shotguns A00202 Adds ammunition to the list of prohibited items to purchase or dispose of after certain convictions A00268 Relates to prohibiting the sale of infant walkers and restricting the use of such infant walkers in certain settings A00269 Provides for enrollment in medical assistance programs for incarcerated individuals A00283 Relates to a review of reimbursement adequacy for early intervention services A00301 Relates to establishing the crime of fertility fraud A00312 Relates to requiring orders of custody to state whether law enforcement is authorized to remove a child or children A00313 Establishes a sales tax exemption for energy storage A00323 Relates to the compulsory age for full time instruction from six to five years of age and certain exceptions for minor children A00330 Relates to the date for change of enrollment A00332 Requires the surrender of antique firearms, black powder rifles, black powder shotguns, or muzzle-loading firearms following certain convictions A00337 Prohibits smoking tobacco in motor vehicles where minors less than 18 years of age are passengers in such vehicles; traffic infraction A00344 Relates to lottery aid formulas for school districts A00345 Provides that limited liability for persons held jointly liable shall not apply to parties held liable for failing to provide reasonable security A00346 Establishes the offense of unlawful possession of firearms by persons under twenty-one A00347 Empowers the commissioner of a board of elections to order certain audits upon a finding of discrepancies A00348 Relates to drivers of school buses using hands-free mobile telephones A00351 Relates to surplus funds A00353 Relates to amending the universal full-day pre-kindergarten program subscription amount for regions other than New York city; repealer A00427 Relates to the definition of medical debt A00463 Relates to posting financial disclosure filings for candidates for statewide office or candidate for a member of the legislature A00469 Adds a school business official to the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) Board A00471 Establishes a parking placard review board A00473 Establishes a nonpartisan poll monitoring program A00477 Relates to the issuance of distinctive plates for retired members of the New York state legislature A00479 Entitles employees 45 years of age or older to take one day every ten years to undergo a colonoscopy A00480 Relates to the department of transportation not requiring surveying in certain situations A00481 Directs social services districts to contract with non-residential programs for victims of domestic violence to provide outreach and education in high schools A00484 Relates to designating blighted property and blighted areas; provides definition of blighted property and blighted areas; amends definition of substandard or insanitary area A00506 Relates to state agency contracts with not-for-profit corporations A00507 Relates to Eastchester fire district elections A00509 Authorizes camp operators and employees to administer medications and treatment to children under certain circumstances A00511 Relates to unconsented removal or tampering with a sexually protective device A00522 Relates to the availability of agency records prior to or at an open meeting A00526 Establishes a cause of action for fertility fraud A00527 Relates to the distribution of the foreign and alien fire insurance premium tax A00534 Prohibits executive sessions for the appointment of elected office A00535 Repeals chapter 104 of the laws of 1936, relating to providing for the establishment, organization and operation of police departments in the towns of Westchester county A00536 Relates to summaries of readable and understandable insurance policies A00538 Relates to the creation of a school-based teen dating violence prevention program A00539 Relates to a negotiated sentence of imprisonment A00540 Relates to requiring helicopters be equipped with flight recorders, cockpit voice recorders and terrain awareness and warning systems A00541 Relates to developing microgrids in preparation for extreme weather events and other risks to public security A00544 Requires police officers to take temporary custody of firearms when responding to reports of family violence A00545 Relates to the proper venue for an impounding organization to file a petition for a security A00546 Increases the penalty for multiple convictions of torturing or failing to provide sustenance to an animal A00547 Amends the definitions of pet dealers A00548 Provides for accountability in state assessments to determine graduation, grade promotion or adequate yearly progress A00549 Relates to publishing records of public interest by agencies and the legislature A00550 Requires that certain motor vehicles shall be equipped with operable carbon monoxide detectors A00553 Establishes a pilot program for the field testing of mobile phones and portable devices for the county of Westchester A00554 Provides that a court may require that a new election be held when there is clear and convincing evidence that the wrong candidate was determined to be the winner A00555 Establishes the city of White Plains industrial development agency and provides for its functions, powers, and duties A00556 Provides for certain limited direct interstate shipments of wine for off-premises consumption A00557 Requires the budget submitted by the governor to include an itemization, by each individual school district, of appropriations for the support of school districts A00558 Requires registration of general aviation aircrafts A00559 Provides for the declination of a designation as a candidate or nomination for a party position under special circumstance A00560 Establishes a ranked choice voting method for presidential elections A00561 Relates to speed limits for any portion of a highway within a city, village or town park A00562 Relates to requests for proposals for voting machines A00563 Requires policies for the use of automatic license plate reader systems A00564 Relates to application and environmental assessment forms A00565 Relates to prohibiting the establishment of new for-profit hospices A00578 Requires public bodies to post video recordings of open meetings A00579 Requires ticket distributors to refund the purchase price of tickets within forty-five days after a cancelled or rescheduled event A00580 Allows a notice of dense breast tissue to be determination of medical necessity for coverage of a breast ultrasound A00581 Requires public bodies to ensure that proceedings of meetings are audible for individuals in person and via broadcast A00588 Relates to the former crime of loitering for the purpose of engaging in a prostitution offense and expunges criminal records for persons previously convicted of such crime A00589 Relates to the organization of the Port Authority A00590 Requires persons the ages of 16 or 17 to wear a helmet when riding a class one or class two bicycle with electric assist A00591 Requires kindergarten instruction for Rockland and Westchester counties for minors who are five years of age on or before December first A00593 Requires an official inspection station to post a sign or poster informing customers that it is not authorized to inspect certain vehicles A00755 Requires the department of health examine heat related deaths in the state of New York A00811 Relates to the authority of the state board of elections to issue subpoenas A00812 Requires certain types of insurance cover certain allergen introduction dietary supplements A00818 Creates the offense of operating as a major firearms trafficker A00831 Relates to vested rights of property owners relating to the development of their land in the counties of Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Westchester A00847 Requires each public body to live stream and post video recordings of all open meetings and public hearings A00848 Relates to bail and domestic violence charges A00852 Requires bicycles advertised for sale or resale in New York state to have an identifying serial number and for such serial number to be posted in any advertisement for such bicycle A00878 Relates to energy services companies A00885 Establishes "The Equity in Fertility Treatment Act"; relates to the definition of infertility and health insurance coverage for the treatment of infertility A00902 Relates to site mapping for emergency response data and school safety plans A00905 Exempts a person from a money judgment arising from an action in another state for knowingly engaging in conduct that aids or abets the performance or inducement of an abortion A00907 Relates to automatic license plate readers A00916 Relates to guardians and health care agents A00924 Relates to the effectiveness of certain provisions relating to the application for the Medicare savings program A00925 Relates to quality improvement and increased consumer transparency in assisted living residences A00957 Relates to coverage for services provided by school-based health centers for medical assistance recipients A00968 Authorizes the study of aviation ownership and flight operations by the department of transportation A01004 Provides for the conveyance or lease of sewer system properties and responsibilities by cities, towns and villages in the county of Westchester when determined to be in the public interest A01008 Relates to enrollment in medical assistance programs for incarcerated individuals A01017 Relates to education and outreach for drug-induced movement disorders by the department of health A01039 Establishes a duty to inform certain patients about the risks associated with cesarean section for patients undergoing a primary cesarean section A01069 Relates to the functions of the Medicaid inspector general with respect to audit and review of medical assistance program funds and requiring notice of certain investigations A01093 Relates to expanding the crime of public lewdness A01107 Enacts the "donor conceived person protection act" A01108 Provides for the licensing of pet grooming facilities; establishes standards of care and required record keeping A01110 Provides for interest to accrue on missed installment payments beginning from the due date of such missed installment payment A01112 Establishes regional minimum hourly base reimbursement rates for home care aides A01118 Relates to increasing monetary penalties for public health law violations A01120 Allows a judicial district convention to be conducted in whole or in part via video conference A01125 Relates to establishing the professional practice of certified midwifery A01132 Provides access to medical marihuana for animals A01138 Repeals certain provisions of the vehicle and traffic law relating to the operation of bicycles with electric assist A01142 Relates to the definition of class two bicycles with electric assist A01144 Requires kindergartens to operate full day programs A01147 Authorizes rate increases for in-person early intervention services A01160 Relates to making restaurant and bar patios one hundred percent smoke free; repealer A01161 Relates to exempting heat and power generating equipment from taxation A01164 Requires stretch limousines to be retired from use after ten years from manufacture or the accumulation of three hundred fifty thousand miles A01165 Relates to prohibited hospital interference with patient care A01172 Authorizes the dispensing of abortion medication A01183 Prohibits fuel oil, grade number four in any building or facility in the state A01189 Limits tinted green and brown to compostable plastic bags for the purposes of bag waste reduction A01198 Relates to eligibility for home care services under medicaid; repealer A01201 Requires transportation network companies to notify passengers who have reported an incident of sexual assault of certain information A01207 Relates to the calculation of voting power for committee members in districts that have changed or new districts A01209 Enacts a mattress collection program A01210 Establishes a waiting period before a firearm, shotgun or rifle may be delivered to a person A01212 Provides for the applicability of provisions governing referral of certain municipal planning and zoning actions to counties operating under a county charter A01218 Enacts safety requirements in stretch limousines including anti-intrusion bars and window break tools A01220 Relates to supervision by certain nurse practitioners; makes certain provisions permanent relating to nurse practitioners A01224 Relates to establishing a carbon dioxide emissions price for electric generation from carbon-based fuel and creating a carbon dioxide emissions fund A01231 Relates to the definition of office and the content of notices published in newspapers A01233 Relates to drivers of buses, taxis and livery vehicles using hands-free mobile telephones A01250 Prohibits unsolicited telemarketing sales calls during certain declared states of emergency A01257 Relates to the submission of claims for services provided by home care agencies A01259 Relates to the practice of physicians licensed in another state or territory of the United States pursuant to a reciprocal agreement A01275 Relates to the crimes of commercial bribery and larceny A01282 Relates to when the department of transportation may require surveys for fiber optics A01293 Relates to reciprocity agreements with other states for medical cannabis programs A01296 Establishes the rare disease advisory council A01309 Authorizes collaborative programs for community paramedicine services A01315 Authorizes the fingerprinting of employees of informal child care providers A01341 Authorizes a prenatal and postpartum informational mobile application A01349 Expands felony sex offenses to include certain offenses related to prostitution and human trafficking A01356 Prohibits state-operated hospitals from suing patients for medical debt A01359 Relates to the establishment of rates of payment for medical assistance for needy persons A01365 Requires nursing homes to designate dedicated storage spaces for the storage of the bodies of deceased persons A01382 Provides training to staff members accepting registrations, issuing licenses or conducting inspections of child day care homes, programs or facilities on the recognition of controlled substances A01395 Permits a close friend to make an anatomical gift of a decedent's body A01406 Relates to certain rates of payment for services provided by assisted living programs A01429 Limits reversals for failure of prompt prosecution under certain circumstances A01461 Relates to the use of psychotropic medications in nursing homes and adult care facilities A01464 Promotes efficient and effective oversight of continuing care retirement communities; repealer A01466 Provides for establishment of the New York Health plan A01468 Relates to certificates of qualification for clinical laboratories and blood banks A01493 Relates to state aid for home health care to meet community need A01540 Relates to requiring certain child passengers in a taxi or livery to be restrained by a child restraint system A01541 Establishes the cesarean births review board A01586 Relates to the application of bail in certain prostitution and labor trafficking cases A01691 Expands health care services provided by telehealth A01711 Relates to creating a private right of action for unconsented removal or tampering with a sexually protective device A01869 Establishes a hyperbaric oxygen therapy pilot program A01892 Requires rear occupant alert systems in certain vehicles A01894 Repeals section 3372 of the public health law A01897 Relates to including the services and care of school psychologists under Medicaid A01900 Relates to hospital compliance with federal hospital price transparency law, rules and regulations A01903 Restricts consecutive hours of work for health care workers A01905 Allows access to juvenile delinquency records for the purposes of a firearm background check and authorizes the denial of a firearm license for applicants under thirty who committed certain offenses as a juvenile A01907 Eliminates a look-back period for home care for non-institutionalized Medicaid applicants; and repeals a certain provision of the social services law relating thereto A01910 Expands protections regarding violations of safety conditions in adult care facilities A01914 Requires the empire state plaza art commission to examine the historical significance of major rivers in the state of New York in connection with renaming the agency buildings located at the empire state plaza A01915 Provides for primary care investment A01916 Relates to licensing laser hair removal technicians A01918 Requires audits by hand recount of voter verifiable audit records A01921 Provides insurance coverage for chronic pain A01931 Relates to including dental implants, replacement dental prosthetic appliances, crowns and root canals as medically necessary dental care and services for coverage under the Medicaid program A01933 Relates to the development and approval of reimbursement rates for managed care providers under medicaid A01936 Relates to prior authorization and payments from the medical indemnity fund A01942 Makes conforming changes reflecting the previously authorized scope of practice of nurse practitioners A01944 Relates to birth certificates for foreign adoptions A01949 Provides that a police officer in the county of Westchester can be suspended without pay for not more than 30 days pending a trial of disciplinary charges A01958 Relates to the authority of a hospice medical director to sign a death certificate A01967 Relates to the use of electronic monitoring devices to monitor residents in assisted living residences and patients in nursing homes A01970 Relates to the collection and reporting of sexual offense evidence on the statewide electronic tracking system A01974 Relates to establishing an early intervention loan repayment program A01975 Requires certain companies and corporations to report certain data regarding the gender, race and ethnicity of their employees A01977 Relates to payment for rapid whole genome sequencing A01983 Enacts the interstate medical licensure compact A01985 Establishes a state frontotemporal degeneration registry A01988 Enacts the "age-friendly health system enhancement act" A01989 Relates to the timing of annual tax elections A01991 Enacts the "fair pay for home care act" A02018 Relates to long term care options for medicaid recipients; repealer A02027 Requires medical evaluations for assisted living eligibility to be conducted within thirty days prior to the date of admission A02044 Establishes a quality incentive program for managed care providers A02051 Authorizes increased equity withdrawals by certain non-public residential health care facilities A02057 Relates to surrogacy programs and agreements A02078 Requires the immunization of certain post-secondary students against hepatitis B A02089 Sets reimbursement rates for essential safety net hospitals A02103 Relates to extended producer responsibility for carpet A02129 Provides for the reimbursement for certain corrective lenses A02142 Allows the growth, cultivation, and adult use of psilocybin for the treatment of certain health conditions A02156 Relates to medical assistance for patients for infertility treatment A02164 Establishes extended producer responsibility for household appliances and refrigerants A02168 Requires the department of health to develop and maternal health care providers to distribute written information about episiotomy to maternity patients A02173 Relates to the appointment of the state medicaid director A02181 Provides lead service line identification for certain water systems A02202 Relates to the use of topical pharmaceutical agents A02256 Authorizes citizens who are sixteen years of age to vote in school district elections; repealer A02341 Authorizes dental hygienists to provide such services in collaboration with a licensed dentist A02359 Relates to modifications and exceptions to case payment reimbursement rates for neoplastic disease care hospitals A02365 Relates to establishing hospital-sponsored off campus emergency departments A02371 Relates to value-based care for maternity coverage A02396 Allows access to juvenile delinquency records for the purposes of a firearm background check A02397 Requires DOH to develop a payment methodology for federally qualified health centers and rural health centers that dispense ovulation enhancing drugs A02425 Increases the time frame for payments of certain expenses by adoptive parents A02426 Relates to the New York State medical indemnity fund account payments A02459 Provides for automatic enrollment and recertification simplification for Medicaid eligible recipients A02478 Requires certain group health insurance policies to provide coverage for hearing aids A02518 Provides an authorized police officer or peace officer the ability to request ambulance service A02526 Enacts the health care consumer and provider protection act relating to collective negotiations by health care providers with certain health care plans A02535 Relates to optional disability coverage for county probation officers A02712 Enacts the "child sex crime victims protection act" A02722 Requires the municipal police training council establish standards for the destruction of controlled substances A02723 Repeals the sunset on certain provisions related to arrests in situations involving certain family offenses A02725 Requires first aid materials in certain workplaces to include opioid antagonist A02726 Relates to the definition of family for purposes of services provided by voluntary foster care agency health facilities A02731 Relates to the authority of certain existing assisted living programs to expand capacity by nine or fewer beds under an expedited process A03939 Requires the state office for the aging to publish a "Guide to Actions When Someone Close Dies" A03947 Requires API to facilitate patient and provider access to health information for enrollees and contract providers A04008 Prohibits the sale of food containing Red Dye 3 and Red Dye 40 in certain schools A04023 Relates to clarifying which entities handle the reporting of pregnancy loss A04024 Authorizes the delivery of telehealth services in schools by licensed providers A04162 Relates to Medicaid reimbursement rates for private duty nursing A04382 Relates to the election of school board members after the number of members has been increased A04384 Relates to establishing deadlines for finalizing and objecting to nominating petitions for small city school board elections A04533 Extends the period during which the city of White Plains is authorized to impose an additional sales and compensating use tax A04683 Relates to the date of school district annual organizational meetings; and repeals certain provisions of the education law relating thereto
Prime-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
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Co-Sponsored Legislation:
Co-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
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Multi-Sponsored Legislation:
Multi-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
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