Press Releases

Assemblyman Santabarbara: $500M Grant will Help Keep New York’s Child Care Workforce Afloat

“The assistance comes at a crucial time when numerous daycare facilities are grappling with understaffing, and some caregivers are contemplating leaving the profession altogether. As child care workers play a vital role in supporting hundreds of thousands...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Stands Firm: Disputes NYC Mayor’s Office Claims on Migrant Handling and Community Sheltering

"Let me be clear: there was no advanced notification or consultation provided to Schenectady County, the Town of Rotterdam, or my office regarding the arrival of migrants in our community. Contrary to the claims made by a spokesperson for City of New...

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Introduces New Legislation to Require Transparency on Migrant Crisis in New York State

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara has put forward a new bill aimed at improving communication and accountability among government officials in response to recent actions taken by New York City Mayor Adams. These actions resulted in the relocation of migrants...

Santabarbara Announces Partial Restoration of Amtrak’s Adirondack Service TODAY: Urges Continued Action

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara is pleased to announce today the partial restoration of Amtrak's Adirondack service, extending north of Rensselaer to Saratoga Springs, following his dedicated efforts in communication with Amtrak's CEO, Stephen Gardner....

Santabarbara: Autism Night at Mohawks; recognizing Amterdam's own Andre Jackson Jr. and Mohawks Coach Keith Griffin

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Assemblyman Santabarbara hosted his annual Autism Night at the Mohawks at Shuttleworth Park in Amsterdam tonight.His 21-year-old son, Michael, who was diagnosed with autism at age 3, threw out the first pitch.

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Pens Letter to Super 8 Motel Owner in Aftermath of Abrupt Evictions

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara has penned a heartfelt letter to the owner of the Super 8 Motel in Rotterdam, expressing his deep concern over the abrupt eviction of residents that occurred last week. The incident, which took place on Tuesday morning,...

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Strengthen Penalties Against Repeat Shoplifters

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara has put forth a crucial piece of legislation in the New York State Assembly, aiming to bolster penalties for individuals with a history of committing petty larceny offenses. The bill specifically targets repeat offenders...

Santabarbara Letter to NYC Mayor Calling for Action on Concerns Over Busing of Migrants to Rotterdam, NY

Today, Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara sent a letter to Mayor Eric Adams of the City of New York, expressing deep concern and dissatisfaction regarding the practice of busing migrant individuals from New York City to upstate communities, including Rotterdam,...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Partners with the Amsterdam Mohawks to Host Annual Autism Night

Assemblyman Santabarbara and his son, Michael, will be partnering with the Amsterdam Mohawks baseball team to host his annual Autism Night at Shuttleworth Park in Amsterdam, NY. Michael, now 21, was diagnosed with autism at age 3. He’s an avid baseball...

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Calls on Federal Representatives for assistance to address actions by NYC Mayor that led to the eviction of Vulnerable Community Members at Rotterdam Super 8 Motel

Today, Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara has taken a stand against the recent actions by New York City Mayor Eric Adams, urging federal representatives to intervene in a deeply troubling situation affecting the community in Rotterdam, New York.In a letter...

Santabarbara tours Safe Inc in Schenectady and Makes Funding Announcement

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Today, Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara toured Safe Inc. of Schenectady and presented a check for $10,000 in funding he secured from his office to support the youth programs they offer.Pictured with Assemblyman Santabarbara include Nettie Crossman, Safe...

Santabarbara Offers to Assist Individuals Removed from Super 8 in Rotterdam NY

The recent actions taken by New York City Mayor Eric Adams to bus migrants to the Super 8 in Rotterdam with no coordination and zero communication has resulted in the displacement of vulnerable individuals who were already residing at the hotel due to...

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Calls for Attorney General Investigation into Super 8 Motel Evictions in Rotterdam

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara is taking a stand against the recent eviction of residents at the Super 8 Motel in Rotterdam, which made way for migrant individuals transported by Mayor Eric Adams of New York City. In a formal letter addressed to New...

Santabarbara Statement on Recent Move by NYC Mayor that Led to Eviction of Rotterdam Residents

“Tonight, my office received confirmation that the Mayor of New York City is thoughtlessly sending buses with migrants to Super 8 Motel in Rotterdam, completely disregarding the fact that many of the individuals already residing there were struggling...

Assemblyman Santabarbara Statement on Today’s Bridge Collision in Glenville

"Today's bridge collision in Glenville serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for action. I implore the Governor to swiftly sign the legislation (A.7016-B), which has already been passed over 40 days ago. This crucial bill mandates that the Department...

Santabarbara Announces Partial Restoration of Amtrak’s Adirondack Service: Urges Continued Action

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara announced today the partial restoration of Amtrak service north of Rensselaer to Schenectady and Saratoga following his letter to Amtrak’s CEO, Stephen Gardner, dated June 27th, 2023. In the letter, he expressed concerns...

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Highlights $2.M in Funding Secured from His Office for the Capital Region Aquatic Center, Now Sited at Viaport Mall in Rotterdam

"I am thrilled to witness the establishment of the Capital Region Aquatic Center right here in my hometown of Rotterdam. This world-class facility is poised to become a vital community asset and a catalyst for economic growth in our region. The signing...

Statement from Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara in Support of Teamsters Union Workers Rallying for a Fair Labor Contract at UPS

“As an advocate for workers' rights and fair labor practices, I stand in strong support with Teamsters Local 294 and their pursuit of a fair contract, particularly concerning fair wages for part-time UPS workers. The impending expiration of the UPS/Teamsters...

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Announces New Dedicated Veterans' Services Benefit Advisors through Department of Veterans' Services

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara announced that the New York State Department of Veterans' Services now has available Veterans' Services Benefit Advisors who are prepared to offer essential support to veterans in completing applications, acquiring necessary...

With the UPS/Teamsters Contract Set to Expire at the End of the Month, Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara Sends Letter to UPS CEO

Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara has written a letter to UPS CEO, Ms. Carol B. Tomé, expressing his strong support for the hardworking members of the Teamsters from Local 294 and their ongoing efforts to secure a fair contract with UPS. The Assemblyman...