Simpson and Stec Recognize Good Samaritans Who Saved Life

Viviana Bravo and Elizabeth Mae Maxwell acted swiftly and accordingly to save the life of Peter Michalski

On Friday, Assemblyman Matt Simpson (R,C-Horicon) and Sen. Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury) recognized North Warren residents Vivian Bravo and Elizabeth Maxwell, whose quick action and awareness saved the life of Peter Michalski. Michalski lost consciousness while driving north on the Northway (I-87) with his wife Susan in the passenger seat. Bravo and Maxwell noticed the erratic driving ahead of them. They followed the Michalskis to the side of the highway and administered CPR until EMS arrived. After 10 weeks of hospital visits and rehabilitation, Peter made a full recovery. Peter and Susan expressed their appreciation to Simpson’s office, saying that because of their “angels,” their family still has Peter in his roles as a husband, father and grandfather.

Simpson and Stec honored the two girls at the Chestertown Firehouse with official Senate commendations and Assembly citations.

“I am proud to recognize Viviana and Elizabeth. As a legislator, it brings me great fulfillment to hear this heartwarming story of two young girls saving a stranger’s life. Viviana and Elizabeth's ability to act calmly and effectively under the circumstances is a true reflection of their character and I am proud to honor them today,” said Simpson.