
Keeping You Informed

Cut The NYS Budget Now!

Hawley Thanks Veterans

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who participated or were involved in making our recent trip to Washington, D.C. a great success. More than 150 local veterans and their family members joined me for “Patriot Trip II,” which...

Hawley Rallies To Save Dairy

This week, I organized a rally in LeRoy to bring attention to the urgent need for our state to invest in our dairy industry. With milk prices low and costs at an all-time high, if the state does not intervene immediately, we are looking at losing this...

Assemblyman Steve Hawley Invites you to a FREE Hunter Education & Safety Course

Hawley: Calling On His Colleagues To Return To Albany

This year, our state faced some unprecedented challenges and changes. Coupled with the financial meltdown on Wall Street and resulting recession, New Yorkers, especially in Western New York, are particularly feeling the burn of these tough times. However,...

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, Earlier this week Governor David Paterson began his $175 million “Back to School” program intended to help low-income families with school-related purchases for their children. The program is funded through a $35 million donation...

Swift Action After Elba Bank Robbery

Letter to the Editor: The combined efforts of several law enforcement agencies on the morning of June 18 in the Village of Elba led to the swift apprehension of three armed and dangerous bank robbers. The fleeing suspects were first tracked...

A Special Report and Invitation for Veterans & Their Families

Hawley Invites Public To Attend Monroe County Town Hall Meetings

As part of his ongoing constituent outreach events, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is inviting members of the public to join him at a series of Town Hall meetings to be held on Saturday, July 18 throughout Monroe County. “Serving...

Hawley Calls For Property Tax Relief

This year’s legislative session began with a lot of talk about the need to put in place property tax relieving measures, such as a property tax cap or circuit breaker. Despite calling for a cap, Governor Paterson did not include this measure in his...

Empire Zones, EDCs & IDAs To Thank For Western NY Revitalization

In recent years, the possibility of an economic resurgence in communities across Western New York has been enhanced by the efforts of the Empire Zone (EZ) Program. Our local EZ boards, particularly in Genesee and Orleans counties, in conjunction with...

Summer Travel Report: Steve Hawley

Hawley Invites All To Attend Free Boater Safety Course

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia), in conjunction with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Parks and Marine Unit and New York State Parks Police, is hosting a free Boater Safety Course for the public. The course will be held on Saturday, June...

The Safety Of Our Community Depends On Volunteers

There is no doubt that the safety of our community depends greatly on the sacrifice and dedication of our local volunteer emergency service personnel and firefighters. In fact, according to the United States Fire Administration, of the 1,148,800 firefighters...

The Safety Of Our Community Depends On Volunteers

There is no doubt that the safety of our community depends greatly on the sacrifice and dedication of our local volunteer emergency service personnel and firefighters. In fact, according to the United States Fire Administration, of the 1,148,800 firefighters...

Assemblyman Steve Hawley Supporting Volunteer Firefighters

Hawley: Despite Fiscal Challenges, Many Successes To Report

There is no question that our state, and our nation, has experienced a very historic year and, as we prepare for the New Year, we are faced with unprecedented changes and challenges. But despite these challenges, there are many positive changes happening...

Hawley: Special Session Wastes Taxpayer Dollars

With our state now in the midst of an economic recession, it was incumbent upon the Governor to bring lawmakers together to sort out our impending budget deficit. Unfortunately, bringing lawmakers back to Albany resulted in nothing more than yet another...

Steve Hawley: Delivering the Changes Western New York Deserves

Skyrocketing Property Taxes Have Eroded New York State’s Competitive Edge