Press Releases

Statement From Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on Veterans Day

“On Veterans Day, we pause to honor the brave men and women who have served our country. We recognize their deep courage, selflessness and patriotism that have preserved the freedoms we hold dear. We owe America’s veterans a debt of gratitude for...

Peanut The Squirrel Debacle Tells You Everything You Need to Know About NY’s Priorities

Earlier this week, news that Peanut the Squirrel was euthanized shocked million of Americans and fans of the rescue pet. Peanut was captured along with a raccoon named Fred and both were put down by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation...

Let’s Not Squander the Brightest Parts of our Economic Outlook

The New York State Division of the Budget released its Fiscal Year 2025 Mid-Year Update, and there are some clear indicators our economic outlook is making incremental improvements. For one, tax receipts were strong enough to help cut down a prospective...

Participate in the Process: Get Out and Vote

In just a few days, New Yorkers will head to the polls to participate in this year’s elections. Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy and a critical part of our civic responsibility as American citizens. We’re blessed to have a system of government...

Leader Barclay Gathers with CNY Community Arts Members to Promote Local Landscapes and Landmarks Exhibit

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Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) gathered with board members and staff of the Central New York (CNY) Arts Center to promote the upcoming Local Landscapes and Landmarks visual art exhibit on Oct. 24 at 6 p.m. In partnership with the...

Leader Barclay Hosts Summer Reading Celebration

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Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) was recently joined by students who successfully completed his annual New York State Assembly Summer Reading Challenge for a celebration and award presentation at the Oswego Public Library. All participants...

Statement From Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on the Anniversary of Oct. 7

“On this solemn anniversary, we pause to remember and mourn the horrific events that took place in Israel one year ago today. We honor the memory of the lives that were taken from us and recognize the pain that continues to weigh heavily on their families...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

One of the best ways to mitigate breast cancer is through awareness and education. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and during this month, advocates, doctors and community leaders urge extra vigilance for those with high cancer risk factors....

Statement From Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay on Oswego County Sheriff's Deputy Killed in The Line of Duty

“It is with profound sadness we learn Oswego County Sheriff’s Deputy has died while in the line of duty. My prayers are with the family and loved ones of our fallen officer in this tragic time. This is devastating news for the brave members of the...

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay, Central Square Leaders Announce $50k for New Park Equipment at Goettel Park

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Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) today announced he has secured a $50,000 grant for the Village of Central Square to fund a park expansion project at Goettel Park in the Village of Central Square. He recently joined village officials...

Barclay Expresses Concern with Proposed DEC Wetlands Regulatory Proposal

In a letter submitted to the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) expressed his concerns with the recently proposed rules and regulations surrounding freshwater wetlands across New York state....

Statement from Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay On the Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks

Today we honor the lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001 and all those impacted by the tragic events of that day. The senseless acts of terror 23 years ago shook the very core of our country and changed the course of history. But in the face of adversity, Americans...

Legislation Signed Today Will Provide Benefits To Family of 9/11 First Responder

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) today announced his legislation, A.8868, has been signed by Governor Kathy Hochul to provide death benefits to the family of New York State Department Environmental Conservation (DEC) Police Lt. Paul...

New Law, Introduced by Barclay, Allows Oswego County Courts to Conduct Virtual Proceedings

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) today announced his bill, A.9836, has been signed by Governor Hochul, giving courts in Oswego County the ability to conduct criminal court proceedings by virtual means, rather than conduct these proceedings...

Ready, Set, Learn: Back to School Season is Here

As summer draws to a close, the anticipation of a new school year is quickly growing for students, teachers and parents. As young people head back to school, it means they’ll reconnect with friends, get acclimated to new grade levels and classes, and...

Barclay Meets with Local, State Officials & Community Stakeholders to Discuss Neighborhood Revitalization Efforts

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Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) convened a discussion with community leaders from across Oswego County to discuss ways to facilitate increased neighborhood improvement and revitalization programs within the region. The group met yesterday...

Expanding Broadband Internet is Critical for Education, Economy, Health Care & Infrastructure

About 30 years ago, home internet access was for a select few, but today, reliable high-speed internet is an essential part of modern-day communication, education and economic growth. Broadband access helps us connect with others, it offers endless amounts...

Leader Barclay Partners with United Way & Village of Pulaski on ‘Stone Soup Pulaski Luncheon’ to Benefit Food Pantries & Weekend Backpack Programs

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Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) today announced he is once again partnering with the United Way of Greater Oswego County, the Village of Pulaski and local restaurant and business leaders to hold the “Stone Soup-Pulaski Luncheon”...

The 2024 Great New York State Fair Has Something for Everyone

The Great New York State Fair is an annual tradition that delivers top-tier entertainment, unique crafts and family fun for kids and adults of all ages. The fair, which is the oldest in the U.S., delights hundreds of thousands of visitors each year, and...

Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay Honors Three Volunteers at Senior Luncheon

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On Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R,C-Pulaski) attended the Oswego County Office of the Aging’s annual senior luncheon to greet attendees and recognize three individuals who earlier this year were honored by the New...