Press Releases

DeStefano Denounces One-House Budget Proposal from Majority

“We've said time and again that the spending habits in Albany are unsustainable, and the more they tax New Yorkers to offset the costs, the more people are going to leave,” DeStefano said. “The Majority One-House Budget continues the troubling trend...

DeStefano Calls for Increased Local Road Upkeep Funding

Assemblyman Joe DeStefano (R,C-Medford) is calling on the governor to consider doling out an additional $200 million for local road maintenance and an extra $70 million for Extreme Winter Recovery funds in this year’s budget. Local roads are often left...

DeStefano State Budget Response

Dear All, As the state legislature lurches toward one of its most important deadlines, approving an annual budget by April 1, Albany is buzzing with many activities, not the least of which is stopping the record outbound migration of residents by making...

DeStefano Frustrated by Governor Budget Proposal

“Our state is big, and a lot of people need help, but the way we spend in New York is unsustainable. It’ll prove problematic for future New Yorkers, if we even have any sticking around to help foot the bill. Several of the governor’s ideas are promising...

DeStefano Calls for A Return of Judicial Discretion in New York

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Assemblyman Joe DeStefano (R,C-Medford) is once again calling on Albany to reimplement judicial discretion at the local level in our courts when bail is set for accused offenders. This follows a press conference held by Assembly and Senate Minority Colleagues...

State of the State: All Talk And No Action

“While I was happy to hear the governor discuss the pressing issues of outmigration and fixing the bail reform crisis, I was disappointed to hear so much fluff talk about increased funding to construct even more affordable housing as a band-aid solution...

Community Events

DeStefano Reacts to State’s Late Budget

“This year’s budget is just as disappointing as any other, aside from the fact it’s over a week late,” said DeStefano. “The Majority in Albany has shown that the tax-and-spend mentality is not coming to an end anytime soon. It seems as if the...

DeStefano: Fix Our Infrastructure

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“Today I joined my colleagues to call for an increase in funding for local infrastructure. It is clear by the current conditions of our roads that New York’s infrastructure is rapidly deteriorating. The Long Island Expressway is in desperate need...

DeStefano Reacts To Termination Of NYC Workers

“I couldn’t be more disappointed to see that nearly 1,500 New York City municipal workers were fired over a senseless mandate,” said DeStefano. “Terminating employees simply because they chose not to get vaccinated is crossing the line. Many of...

DeStefano Reacts to Hochul’s Budget Address

“Gov. Hochul’s budget address was rather disappointing, vague and, yet again, left many of us searching for answers. One thing is clear, New York has a spending problem. Every year the budget grows larger and larger, without additional revenue sources....

DeStefano Joins Call For Action

Assemblyman Joe DeStefano (R,C,I-Medford) is pleased to join his Minority colleagues to call for greater anti-crime measures. New York is currently facing a rise in crime including a 46.7 percent increase in murders from 2019 to 2020. In that same year,...

DeStefano Reacts to Hochul’s State of the State Address

“Gov. Hochul’s State of the State Address was just like every other; a pep talk full of platitudes. With so many questions New Yorkers have, we are entering year three of this pandemic with very few answers. That was a missed opportunity by Gov. Hochul....

DeStefano: Judiciary Report Provides Validation

“The Assembly Judiciary report only validates what we already knew; former Gov. Cuomo lied to New Yorkers, harassed multiple women and abused his office for personal profit. His refusal to comply with the Assembly investigation speaks volumes. Now that...

DeStefano on the Eviction Moratorium

“Today’s decision to extend the eviction moratorium without a way to streamline rent relief just shows the lack of competence and leadership in Albany,” said DeStefano. “Landlords and tenants have struggled to make ends meet over the last 18 months...

DeStefano: Great Day For New York

“Today is a great day for New York. Disgraced former Gov. Cuomo is gone. My sincere hope is that the corruption, cover-ups and scandals are also gone with Gov. Hochul now leading our state,” said DeStefano. “History was made today as Kathy Hochul...

DeStefano on the End of 2021 Session

“This year’s legislative session was more of the same backward-thinking polices which have only hurt New Yorkers,” said DeStefano. “The Assembly Majority prioritized legislation protecting criminals and illegal immigrants while abandoning hard-working...

DeStefano: Arbitrary Mask Mandates Have To Go

Assemblyman Joe DeStefano (R,C,I-Medford) is pleased to join his Minority colleagues in support of a bill which would prohibit state agencies from mandating masks for anyone under 18 years old. The current seven-day positivity rate in New York state is...

DeStefano: Roll Back The Emergency Declaration

Assemblyman Joe DeStefano (R,C,I-Medford) is pleased to join his Minority colleagues in support of a resolution which would terminate the state disaster emergency declared by Executive Order 202. The current 7-day positivity rate in New York state is...

DeStefano: Toddler Mask Mandate Is Absurd

“Gov. Cuomo’s mask mandate on toddlers is utterly absurd, this is not the direction in which the state should be going,” said DeStefano. “We cannot expect a two-year-old to keep a mask on for hours. Meanwhile, New York has the lowest COVID-19...