
Keeping You Informed

Assemblywoman Solages Highlights Her Ongoing Commitment to Preventing Domestic Violence

Tuesday, Oct. 1, marks the beginning of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time for recognizing the individuals and organizations that work tirelessly to prevent domestic violence and renewing the Assembly’s commitment to stand up for victims of...

Assemblywoman Solages: October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Chances are you know someone who has suffered through a fight with breast cancer. It is a disease that knows no barriers and affects hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month – a time to reaffirm our commitment...

Assemblywoman Solages: Creating Quality Jobs Remains My Top Priority for the 22nd Assembly District

Positive stories about the improving economy are popping up in the news on a more regular basis. The unemployment rate is ticking down. Growth, while slow, is steady. And we appear to have shaken the worst recession since the Great Depression. However,...

Assemblywoman Solages: Learn How to Protect Your Child from Identity Theft

Imagine your child having maxed-out credit cards and a home foreclosed on before he or she even graduates high school. That may seem improbable, yet it’s not as rare as you may think. Child identity theft is a growing trend and it leads to nightmare...

Assemblywoman Solages: 9/11 First Responders and Survivors Can Apply For Additional Assistance until Oct. 3

Twelve years ago, on Sept. 11, 2001, tragedy shook our entire nation and took the lives of thousands of innocent New Yorkers. Still, over a decade later, the images of that day are just as vivid and the emotional wounds just as raw. We will never forget...

Assemblywoman Solages: This Labor Day, Take Time to Reflect on the Holiday’s Meaning

Sept. 2 – Labor Day – truly exemplifies what this country is all about. It’s the perfect opportunity to gather with friends, family and neighbors to pay tribute to the hard work of men and women who built this nation. As many of us enjoy the day...

Assemblywoman Solages: New York Poised to Implement First Real-Time Prescription-Drug Database in the Nation

In 2012, New York passed the Internet System for Tracking Over-Prescribing (I-STOP) law aimed at reducing incidents of abuse and misuse of highly addictive prescription medications (Ch. 447 of 2012). With some provisions of the law already in effect,...

Assemblywoman Solages: National Night Out Supports Drug and Crime Prevention in the Twenty Second Assembly District

While we all have pride that we live in Twenty Second Assembly District, I think we can agree that too many people are hurt each and every day because of crime. It’s often difficult to read or watch the news; however, if we work together as a community,...

National Night Out

Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages Reports to the People - July 2013

Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages Introduces Herself to the 22nd Assembly District

Superstorm Sandy Outreach Event

How New York’s Pioneer Feminists Fought for Women’s Rights, Starting with the Right to Vote

March is Women’s History Month