Press Releases

Assemblyman Stirpe Champions New Law to Provide Financial Assistance to Small Businesses Affected by COVID-19

Assemblyman Al Stirpe (D-Cicero) announced that legislation he sponsored allowing industrial development agencies (IDAs) to issue short-term loans to small businesses was signed into law (Ch. 109 of 2020). His bill, which was sponsored in the senate by...

Assembly Letter to the New York Congressional Delegation in Regards to Small Business

Following a seven hour joint hearing on the federal response to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small businesses in New York, Assemblymember Al Stirpe, chair of the small business committee, and Assemblymember Nily Rozic, chair of the...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Applying for Unemployment Benefits Should Become Easier

Since its initial outbreak, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused immeasurable damage to families across the state and put millions of lives on hold. Through no fault of their own, countless workers have been laid off from their jobs without any indication...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Support Is Available for Small Businesses Struggling During the Coronavirus Pandemic

We’re currently facing unprecedented times. The novel coronavirus outbreak is a public health crisis that’s affected communities worldwide and forced us to adjust to a new way of life for the time being. To combat this pandemic, New Yorkers...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Supporting Small Businesses and Workers Helps Move CNY Forward

While all eyes are on the novel coronavirus, legislative work in Albany continues. One of my main concerns is helping small business. Increasing opportunities for small businesses and strengthening workforce development programs helps foster a thriving...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Prepare, Don’t Panic, In Face of Coronavirus

Ever since it was first identified in December, the number of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) cases has been on the rise. However, while the virus is indeed a serious public health issue, it is important that people not panic. The way we are going to...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Law Amending Unemployment Insurance Formula Would Ease Burden on Job Seekers

The uncertainty and fear that comes with the loss of a job, and with it a reliable income, can be absolutely devastating. The unemployment insurance (UI) system exists to ensure individuals and families who have fallen on hard times aren’t left to...

Assemblyman Stirpe: How We Can Help Survivors of Domestic Violence and Abuse

Nobody should ever have to fear for their lives within the walls of their own home, but for victims of domestic violence, this is a terrifying reality. Domestic abuse is one of the most serious and heartbreaking issues facing citizens of the United States...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Let's Celebrate the Women Who Helped Shape History and Our Communities

Since 1987, we’ve celebrated March as Women’s History Month as a way to honor the countless women who have triumphed over adversity, established themselves as cultural icons, and made their mark on the world. That’s why I’ll be hosting...

Assemblyman Stirpe’s Bill Fixes NY’s Outdated Unemployment Insurance Program

Assemblyman Al Stirpe (D-Cicero) announced that he authored and passed legislation to amend the unemployment insurance (UI) benefit formula, helping ensure partially employed New Yorkers can provide for their families (A.446). “Unemployment insurance...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Small Businesses are the Cornerstone of New York’s Economy

From local farms and family-owned manufacturers, to mom and pop cafes and convenience stores, small businesses are the driving force of New York’s economy. They provide jobs for our families, friends and neighbors, inspire innovation and often become...

Assemblyman Stirpe: We Must Fight for Equality for New Yorkers with Disabilities

People with disabilities face unique challenges in their everyday lives that many of us take for granted. I want to do everything I can to help New Yorkers who are living with disabilities triumph over the challenges they face and ensure they’re...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Legislative Package Ensures Equal Opportunities for New Yorkers with Disabilities

Assemblyman Al Stirpe (D-Cicero) announced that he helped pass a legislative package to support New Yorkers with disabilities in honor of this year’s Legislative Disabilities Awareness Day, May 29. The package includes measures to expand disability...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Time to End Stigma Surrounding Mental Health

When we talk about staying healthy, the focus is most often on our physical health – eating right, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep. While this is always important, mental health deserves just as much attention. May is Mental Health...

Assemblyman Stirpe’s Legislation Offers New Avenues for Entrepreneurs Over 50

Assemblyman Al Stirpe (D-Cicero) announced that legislation he sponsored to establish a program to help New Yorkers age 50 and older chase their dreams of becoming entrepreneurs passed the Assembly. “Business development isn’t just a young...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Earth Day Legislation Protects Health of Our Environment and CNY Families

Every April, Earth Day reminds us to not only take a moment and appreciate our environment, but just how vital it is that we do everything we can to protect it. While Earth Day came and went, my Assembly colleagues and I passed legislation this week to...

Assemblyman Stirpe: State Budget Strengthens Central New York

Assemblyman Al Stirpe (D-Cicero) announced that after weeks of budget negotiations, he helped pass a state budget that invests in Central New York’s economic development and infrastructure improvements and modernizes the state’s voting system....

Assemblyman Stirpe: Take Steps to Protect Your Health during National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month, a great time to start thinking about ways to stay healthy all year long. Carefully considering what we put into our bodies not only improves how we feel on a day-to-day basis, but can also prevent significant health...

Assemblyman Stirpe: Assembly Budget Proposal Delivers for Central New York

Assemblyman Al Stirpe (D-Cicero) announced that he helped pass the Assembly’s 2019-20 state budget proposal, which includes significant investments in local transportation, infrastructure, economic development and education. “Central New York’s...

Assemblyman Stirpe: School Resource Officers Help Students Learn in a Safe Environment

The last place a child should ever feel threatened is at school. Our schools should be safe and intellectually nurturing, but tragedies in places like Parkland, Florida, make it clear that we’re not doing enough to make this a reality. While outlandish...