Press Releases

Miller Invites Amazon Upstate, Calls For Job Creation in Rural New York

“Though I am opposed to corporate welfare – specifically providing massive tax incentives to the wealthiest company in the world – I know constituents throughout my district would gladly welcome 25,000 Amazon jobs and so do I. “It...

Miller Shares The Love, Delivers Students’ Valentines To Seniors

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) helped share some love this Valentine’s Day by hosting his annual “Valentines for Seniors” Program that matches local elementary students with the elderly. This year, Miller joined third...

Miller: Downstate Gun Raffle Bill Would Hurt Community Organizations & Charities

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) is opposed to new legislation (A.1413) that would hurt the abilities of local organizations and charities, including veterans groups, rod and gun clubs and fire companies, to raise money in raffles by...

Miller: NYers Cannot Afford Single-Payer Health Care

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) expressed his concerns over a potential single-payer health care system proposal that was heavily debated at the Joint Budget Conference Committee on Health this week in Albany. The $226 billion proposal...

Miller Calls For State Investment To Improve Upstate Infrastructure

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) joined colleagues from the Assembly Minority Conference’s Task Force on Critical Infrastructure and Transportation to announce a comprehensive list of recommendations to improve upstate New York’s...

Miller Votes For Justice For Child Victims

As a father, elected representative and man of faith, I voted today in support of the Child Victims Act because I believe this measure will help provide justice and closure to those who were victimized as children. It is unspeakable to commit a crime...

Help Is Available For Struggling Farmers

As farmers continue to struggle in New York state and beyond, the rate of suicides in the farming industry has increased to a level higher than that of the general population. I would like to make struggling farmers aware of a helpful mental health resource...

Miller On Legislature’s Move To Provide Tuition Assistance To Illegal Immigrants

“While I believe the motive behind the DREAM Act is noble – to expand access to higher education – I believe those who voted in favor of it have done a disservice to the citizens of New York state, especially those who are college-bound...

Miller Honors Sauquoit Valley’s Presidential Scholar Nominee

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) was very pleased to honor Sauquiot Valley Central High School’s Austin Bullock, a senior who was nominated for the Presidential Scholars Program, which is one of the nation’s highest honors for...

Miller Rallies For Tipped Wage Credit

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I,C,Ref-New Hartford) joined restaurant workers at a rally today in the state Capitol to protect the state’s tipped wage credit. The governor proposed eliminating the credit to mandate a higher hourly wage for workers,...

Miller: Gov.’s Budget Simply “Manages the Decline”

If you live in New York City, the governor’s budget address was probably more exciting, though many of the promises he made today he has made many times before. In terms of his attention to the rest of our state, he is simply proposing a plan that...

Miller On Opening Of 2019-20 Legislative Session

WATCH VIDEO: “I am very proud to be back here in our state Capitol with the full confidence of the constituents of the 101st district who have sent me to Albany so that the voices of our district not be lost. The real...

Miller Receives Pro-Jobs Grade from the Business Council

Today, Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I-New Hartford) announced that The Business Council of New York State, the leading business organization in New York state, has bestowed a pro-jobs grade on him due to his voting record on jobs related legislation over...

Miller On Weinstein’s Law Firm Contribution To Cuomo Campaign

Yesterday, a story broke revealing Gov. Cuomo’s apparent interference in the New York Attorney General’s investigation into the Manhattan District Attorney’s handling and dismissal of a sexual assault case against Harvey Weinstein. Months after...

Miller to Cuomo: America Is Great

“I take exception to the governor’s opinion that America is not great. America is far from perfect, but it is a great place to live. The principles this nation was founded on are rights that billions of people around the world desire, but too many...

Miller Visits With Residents At Otsego County Fair

Assemblyman Brian Miller (R,I-New Hartford) recently joined Otsego County residents to kick off the Otsego County fair in Morris. Miller visited with members of the local agricultural community and met with residents to discuss issues they’d like to...

Miller On End Of Session

“We certainly had some legislative accomplishments this year, including increased funding to improve our local roads and increased funding for our area schools, but far too much was left undone. We witnessed more corruption, but the Majority, again,...

Miller On New York Food Day

“What a great way to showcase the homegrown foods that New York state has to offer! These Mohawk Valley Farm to School events represent fantastic opportunities to promote our local agriculture industry. The more we buy local and invest in our local...

Miller On Appointment Of AG Barbara Underwood

“Today is a win for residents statewide as the Legislature confirmed Acting Attorney General Barbara Underwood as the AG until the voters can decide in November who will assume the state’s top law enforcement position. This process was transparent...

Does Cuomo Love Fast Food Or Just Hate Small Business?

I am all for fair pay and opportunities for workers in all industries. After all, hard-working New Yorkers should be able to earn an acceptable wage and provide for their families – that is what members of the Legislature and the governor should be...