Ramos: We Need to Raise Environmental Awareness for Ourselves and Future Generations
Apr 28, 2008
Protecting and preserving our environment is critical to our health and well-being, as well as for the future generations of New York State. Every year the Assembly honors Earth Day by introducing legislation that will assist in safeguarding the environment....
Ramos: Don’t Miss Out On Money In Your Pocket!
Apr 4, 2008
It’s tax time again, but this year is very different for seniors and low-income residents who do not normally file tax returns. I want to remind these individuals that filing a 2007 federal income tax return will qualify them for an economic stimulus...
Ramos: ¡No pierda la oportunidad de poner dinero en su bolsillo!
Mar 25, 2008
Es tiempo nuevamente de rendir las contribuciones, pero este año es muy diferente para los residentes de edad avanzada y los de ingresos bajos quienes normalmente no tienen que presentar una planilla contributiva. Quiero recordarles a estas personas...
Phil Ramos: Temporary Surcharge On Those Earning Over $1 Million A Year Is The Right Choice
Mar 24, 2008
The Assembly Majority’s budget proposal continues our commitment to education, health care, affordable housing and tax relief for working families. To implement these important programs, the Assembly has proposed a temporary surcharge on people earning...
March is Women’s History Month; Ramos’ Bills Help Advance Equality
Mar 24, 2008
March marks the 21st annual National Women’s History Month. Throughout the month, the history of American women will be highlighted in schools, workplaces and communities across the country. National Women’s History Month began in 1987 when Congress...
Phil Ramos: El recargo temporáneo para los que ganan más de $1 millón al año es la opción correcta
Mar 20, 2008
El presupuesto propuesto por la Mayoría en la Asamblea continúa nuestro compromiso con el mejoramiento de la educación, servicios médicos, vivienda accesible y reducciones contributivas para las familias trabajadoras. Para implementar estos importantes...
This Memorial Day, Honor Our Brave Soldiers, Both Past and Present
May 21, 2007
Each year, we celebrate Memorial Day in recognition of our soldiers who have made countless sacrifices in service to their country, and each of us. As we celebrate what has come to be known as the unofficial beginning of summer, we should all take the...
Gun Safety Laws Will Help Keep Our Neighborhoods Safe
Apr 30, 2007
The Assembly passed a package of gun safety legislation this week that gives law enforcement the necessary tools to track down illegal guns, ban weaponry used to kill police officers and keep guns out of the hands of felons and children.
Gun violence...
La protección de nuestras familias contra el abuso sexual comienza con la concientización, y luego la acción
Apr 20, 2007
Como ex detective de la policía, he visto directamente como la vida de personas inocentes es desvastada por el abuso sexual. Es algo que las víctimas no olvidan fácilmente. Pero también he visto como las personas que representan diferentes organizaciones...