Sponsored Legislation
Prime-Sponsored Legislation:
A00029 Designates the state of New York a purple heart state A00200 Relates to the age of eligibility for provisional or permanent appointment of certain police officers A00443 Relates to step therapy protocol A00765 Relates to adult vaccination reporting requirements A00926 Amends the effectiveness of provisions related to the submission of physician profile information A01016 Relates to recommendations of the traumatic brain injury services coordinating council A01021 Establishes when services for traumatic brain injuries granted pursuant to a waiver shall begin A01099 Relates to information regarding the home energy assistance program for participants in the elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage program A02296 Provides a rebuttable presumption relating to recertification as a minority and women-owned business enterprise A02297 Authorizes emergency medical technicians to administer certain vaccines pursuant to non-patient specific orders and under the authority of an emergency medical services director A02308 Relates to collaborative prescriptive authority for psychologists A02318 Raises the exclusion of certain indebtedness of school districts other than school districts in a city with one hundred twenty-five thousand inhabitants or more A02319 Relates to interest rates on judgments A02321 Relates to requiring agencies to report information about FOIL inquiries to the committee on open government A02322 Establishes a pilot program enabling counties to opt-in to allow county jails to operate jail-based competency restoration services for incarcerated individuals deemed unfit for trial due to mental incapacity A02325 Establishes the shovel-ready housing program A02327 Relates to reporting information regarding step therapy override requests and determinations; repealer A02329 Expands use of videoconferencing to purely advisory bodies A02330 Requires electronic filing of all lobbying filings A02331 Establishes the New York state preceptor stipend program A02340 Prohibits the sale of kratom to individuals under the age of twenty-one A02348 Requires providers to share electronic health records with plans for purposes of improving patient care and reducing administrative delays A02352 Requires insurers and health plans to grant automatic preauthorization approvals to eligible health care professionals in certain circumstance A02454 Relates to review of projects affecting the availability of maternity services A02467 Relates to electronic financial disclosures of members and candidates of the legislature and requires creation of electronic version of disclosure statement A02475 Relates to the prohibition on naming buildings after public officials A02495 Prohibits the imposition of a charge or deduction from a payment due to a health care provider because such payment is made through electronic or paper means A02496 Relates to preferred source status for entities that provide employment to certain persons A02514 Authorizes pharmacists to administer injections for contraceptive use A02520 Provides parity to durable medical equipment providers by requiring Medicaid managed care organizations to reimburse such providers A02534 Relates to the definition of practice of pharmacy A02536 Directs the department of environmental conservation to undertake a review of the regulations governing the permitting of landfills and transfer stations A02555 Establishes a civil remedy for the protection of animals denied proper care A02561 Relates to professional obligations under the physician loan repayment program A02566 Relates to certification by pharmacists of patients using medical cannabis A02571 Relates to the practice of professional geology A02573 Requires state agencies to make available all public documents in a digital format on their website A02576 Relates to contracts for school food services A02578 Requires legislators and candidates for member of the legislature to provide a link to their financial disclosure statements on their official state and campaign websites
Prime-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
There are no bills of this type.
Co-Sponsored Legislation:
Co-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
There are no bills of this type.
Multi-Sponsored Legislation:
There are no bills of this type.
Multi-Sponsored Legislation, Introduced by Rules
on Behalf of the Member:
There are no bills of this type.